Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pain on the Playground

I dashed out to the playground with my hair whipping behind me. We were in kindergarten, and we were going out to recess.

Me and my best friends played tag. I ran so hard that my heart was pounding really fast. Then I finally got my friend, she got me back. So I ran as fast as I could, and I ran around the bushy trees. Then I stepped into a hole that I did not know was there. I tried to keep on running, but then I twisted my ankle. I heard a really loud crack and burst into tears. Then my friends came over and were worried about what happened to me. They went and got my teacher.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I hurt my ankle.”

My teacher helped me up and walked me to the sidewalk she told me to sit down. I did.

When I got home I told my mom that my ankle hurt.

“Maybe we should go to the doctor,” she said.

My ankle looked like a golf ball.

At the doctor’s office, my mom and the doctor were mumbling in the corner. I didn’t know what they were saying, and then he told me to put on my tennis shoes. I really did not want to but I had to.

“We need some x-rays of your foot,” said the doctor, and so my mom and I went to Saint Joy Hospital.

I really did not want to take an x-ray but I had to. I was in the car wondering about what an x-ray would feel like because I have never ever had an x-ray in my whole entire life. Then I was there. My mom carried me.

“So what is wrong with you today?” said the emergency room doctor. My mom explained that I twisted my ankle and we needed some x-rays. My heart thumped as we headed town to the hall. I did not want to take an x-ray, but I had to.

“Good news,” said the doctor. “Your ankle isn’t broken, but you shouldn’t walk on it a lot.”

I was happy that everything ended up being fine. BUT IT STILL REALLY HURT!!



Monday, February 11, 2013

What's Your Favorite Subject?

We asked fourth and fifth grade classes which subject they liked best. The options were: language arts, math, science, social studies, and other. 

We found that in 5th grade the most popular subject was other, which had 6 votes. The next popular subject was Math. It had 5 votes. The third popular subject was Social Studies. It had 3 votes. The second least popular subject was Language arts with 2 votes. The least popular subject was Science, which only had 1 vote.
  We found that in the 4th grade the most popular subject was Math, it had 9 votes.  The next popular subject was other, it had 4 votes.  The 2nd least poplar was Science, it had 2 votes.  The least popular was Social Studies, it had 1 vote. 

Based on our bar graph we found out that 4th grade liked math the most and 5th grade liked other the most. Take a look at the graph below!

Posted by: Golden Epic Face 554, Penguin Girl, and Pink Fluffy Unicorn