Hello my name is Daniel Boone. I was born September 2, 1734 in a one room log cabin near present-day Reading Pennsylvania. My parents were Squire and Sarah Boone .I was married to Rebecca Brian and I had 10 children. I died November 18, 1820 from old age and a painful joint condition called rheumatism.
I’m famous because I explored and settled all of what is now Kentucky. I’m considered the best of the best of hunters in all of history. I found the Cumberland Gap and founded Boonesboruogh and Station-Camp.
Two of my children were tortured and killed by the Shawnee Indian tribe. When the Boonesboruogh people ran out of salt I led some men to a salt spring where we took very large portions of water boiled it in a kettle over a fire and salt was left.
My accomplishments made a difference because the pioneers needed more land and things to grow their crops and Kentucky had it, so I brought them here. It was part of the founding of our country. Also I brought Christianity to the Indians. It was a good thing and a bad thing; it was a good thing because I was doing God’s work, it was a bad thing because the Indians killed lots of people because I did. If I hadn’t found the Cumberland Gap you wouldn’t be living here today.
That was a Awesome Post!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks I try!